Monday, April 30, 2012

Home for the weekend!

I snuck out of Florida this past weekend and spent some time in Pittsburgh. It was just what I needed... cooler temperatures, two nights out on the town with my favorite person, wandering around the city window shopping... it was perfect. I ♥ this city.

The bars that I visited in Pittsburgh were relatively low-key, hole-in-the-wall type of places with good music and even better drinks.

This guava margarita really hit the spot.

I took this pic while doing some window shopping downtown... and enjoying the view (which is quite different than a view from south Florida...) There is just something about being downtown here... it may appear to some to be dirty buildings and sidewalks, but to me it seems more like history than dirt. I love how the sun is up, but unless there is a crack between buildings, you probably wont see it. The scenery in general gives me goosebumps.

We had to use the restroom. So, we stopped at this Burger King...

Which, judging by the sign, we should have known the kind of experience we were in for. In order to use the restroom, you had to buy something... then have an employee open the door for you. We first asked for a decaf coffee. After being advised that they dont have decaf, we ordered a small coke... the trip to the bathroom cost us just under $2.00. Crazy. But having a toilet to use at that moment would have been worth any amount of money. ☺

For the entire weekend, I only have one complaint.... Pittsburgh has got to have more smokers than anywhere else I have ever been. For years in Florida, smoking has not been allowed in most places. While I am not too sure what the laws are in Pennsylvania... I do know that every bar that I went in to was coated with a smokey haze that you had to peer hard through in order to see where you were going!

Ive enjoyed bars with smokers before, but in Pittsburgh, it always seems like everyone smokes. Every single piece of me... stunk! This is such an awful thing to wake up to when  you feel slightly hungover from the night before. I may as well have taken my clothes and washed them in a washer full of smoke and hung them to dry in the Phillip Morris corporation's test laboratory. Horrible!

Even worse? The next day as I unzipped my purse... BAM... the stale, stinky, smokey smell blasted me in the face. Not cool, Pittsburgh. Not cool.

I did a google search and this is what I found...("Best Cities for Smokers")
© AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar"

No. 11

Ordinance: None
State cigarette tax: $1.35 per pack (26th)
How many smoke: 25.5%
Pennsylvania Supreme court rendered anti-smoking ordinances imposed in Allegheny county and other local governments null and void. Only major cities like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia can pass anti-smoking legislation if they choose. Only Philly has done so.
Note to self: Carry a gas mask and body suit with air freshener when going out for the night!

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Adios, Worries!

Ok, now that I have blasted through all of my worries and have diligently listed the pros & cons of leaving Florida (which made my choice seem fairly evident), it is now time to see what I am so excited about.

Excitement #1: The arts.

I get emails very regularly from Pittsburgh CLO and Pittsburgh Cultural Trust that tell of all of the upcoming events in what is dubbed the "cultural district." From plays, musicals, operas, cabaret... you name it, they have it. Every time I open my email, I smile and immediately get dreamy. Its not like I cant see these types of shows in Florida. Technically, I can. But it is very limited...and lacks the whole experience. Parking and walking the city's streets with tons of other excited patrons, crowding together to get in the door... and there is just something about the theatre in Pittsburgh. It has that smell of history. You know, like an old library. Sorta makes you feel like a kid again! 

The majority of the shows take place in the Benedum Center. When I first went there, walking in the door took my breath away. It was beautiful ... and my nose.. ooh the smell. Here is what it looks like inside:

Beautiful, isnt it?

Aside from shows, Pittsburgh has its own orchestra... the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. They have shows and various events, as well as some free shows throughout the year. I absolutely cannot wait to check this out!

Even better?

I hear there are various free performing arts events that happen on the strip. And, a place I have read about... (thanks to Pittsburgh Vegetarian's blog) ... is a place called Leaf and Bean. Apparently this is a coffee shop on the strip that has a singer/songwriter open mic on Saturdays. Now, I surely cannot sing, so that is not why I am so excited. Rather, what could make a Saturday better than getting up and strolling the strip, picking up fresh produce, nifty trinkets, and relaxing with a cup of coffee listening to lyrics from someone's latest song?? I do believe this is how I am going to spend my first Saturday in my new city.

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Bit of Reason

Since I have started this blog, I was asked by a dear friend of mine to blog about the pros & cons of staying in Florida, rather than moving to Pittsburgh. (I believe she thinks I have been gloating too much about my new-found city which results in leaving her.)

I think I will start with the cons, since I'd rather end on a positive note... for her sake.

  • Florida is hot. 360 days out of a year we will run the air conditioning.
  • Florida has hurricanes.
  • The cost of living is higher.
  • I could drive with my eyes closed as I know the roads like that back of my hand. Change is good... it keeps the brain active.
  • People are unfriendly which bugs me as I get older and my patience diminishes.
  • Humidity. It makes my hair frizz. Bad.
  • It takes FOREVER to drive out of the state to visit new places by car.
  • There are too many spanish-speaking stations and no rock stations on the radio.
  • Everything bad that happens in the U.S. has a "Florida connection." That should say enough in itself.
  • Florida only has 2 seasons. Summer and Hurricane season.
  • We dont have a Trader Joe's.
  • I hear way too many sirens, gunshots, etc.
  • Lizards.

  • Friends, family and familiarity.
  • Florida has more concert tours locally, it seems.
  • Snow shoveling doesnt exist.
  • The ocean.
  • Florida doesnt really require you to watch for deer crossing while driving.
  • Florida has a diverse population, giving the opportunity to meet people of different backgrounds.
  • No need to layer clothing to walk outside only to get in a car with the heat blowing and have to remove the clothing, layer by layer.

Well, that sums it up for now. Im not knocking either place... Im sure they each have good and bad. But, I am moving. Gaining a new experience with new people. Without lizards.

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Steelers vs. Patriots

Ive been a New England Patriots fan for many, many years.

Worry # 7: Im going to get beat up.

I have never in my life seen such die-hard fans. My first visit to Pittsburgh was in May...well after football season had ended. However, if I didnt know it was May, I would think it was the week of Super Bowl and the Steelers had made it to the event. EVERYwhere I went I was bombarded with black and yellow. Or, as I have recently learned, black and yella. Rarely in Florida do I see someone walking around in a football jersey in May. Granted, we have the Miami Dolphins down here and we arent too proud, but nonetheless, no one wears a jersey. Im not too sure how Pittsburghers missed this one, though. They think it is appropriate anytime, anywhere.

Those street vendors on the strip? Its black and yellow for as far as you can see. Even chain stores that are located in the area have a special section just for Steeler gear. Restaurants? Forget pictures, their walls are decorated in... you guessed it... black and yellow jerseys. And dont forget these:

The Terrible Towel is everywhere. I have seen their fans wave them, but I had no clue what their purpose was. Truth be told, Im not sure I still understand. But I do know that I have seen more than I ever thought I would.

I have told a few people that I am a fan of my Patriots... this sentence makes people of Pittsburgh shudder and basically tell me to change my team or get the hell out. Houston, we have a problem. I am moving to your city, Pittsburghers.

How does one just "change" their team? I have followed the Patriots since I learned the basics of football. We had Drew Bledsoe who was being coached by The Big Tuna. We have had 7 appearances at the superbowl, setting a record for having 3 superbowl wins in 4 years. In the 2000's we also set a record for having the most wins overall in a decade.

I know, I hear you yelling at me right now... "but, but.. the Steelers have 6 superbowl wins." And 6 trumps 3. I gotcha. It doesnt make you better, Pittsburgh, Im sorry. And it doesnt change my love for my team. I may get angry at them, I may yell at my tv when Brady is having an off night. But, deep down, I know he almost always comes back better in the 2nd half. And there is almost always victory.

Im glad to see that Pittsburgh supports their team... it says alot about them. Something you dont see in Florida, that is for sure. But... I just cant switch. I will carry some pepper spray during season as I sit at the sports bar eating vegan wings and drinking a heine... and cheer with each touchdown the Pats get over the Steelers. I'll be safe. Or, at the very least, be thankful for having health insurance. What I wont be is a traitor. 

I am looking forward to hanging this proudly in my new home:
And for safe keeping... I will walk on these:

And, Steelers... remember, its a game and all in good fun. ♥

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pittsburghese - It's a bit jaggy.

Moving to a different part of the same country shouldn't come with a different vocabulary. Last I learned, we are an English-speaking country. However, all one has to do is walk through the city of Pittsburgh and look at signs, t-shirts, etc and you learn that a whole list of vocabulary has been missed by Webster.

Worry #6: Ive never had to worry about appearing as an outsider where I have lived. Especially when it comes to speaking the language. Yinz understand?

On my very first visit to Pittsburgh, I was taken to the strip. I thought it was nifty checking out all of the street vendors and such. But I was extremely confused when I was looking at t-shirts that read "Yinz..." or "...Jagoff." I had no idea what they were supposed to mean and still wasnt too sure even after I asked. This lead me to do a little research of my own.

What I discovered was the language of those living in this city has actually been dubbed "Pittsburghese." They even have their own translator that I found here on google. How crazy is that?!  But,  I tried it out by typing "You are an idiot." Translation? "Yinz are a lunch head." Oh, boy, I have a lot to learn. Lunch head?! That is a new one. I will practice it today on the first idiot I encounter and will be sure to post a pic later of the reaction I get after referring to him or her as a lunch head.

So here are a few more words that I have discovered:

  • Yella - Yellow
  • Cattywompus - things that are diagonal from each other.
  • Arn - Iron
  • Bitzle - A piece of dirt on the floor.
  • Church Key - a bottle opener
  • Clod Hoppers - work boots
  • Grass cutter - a lawnmower
  • Jagoff - one who jags around; jerk
  • Jimmies - sprinkles
  • Jumbo - Bologna
  • Pop - soda
  • Yinz - yous
  • Yinzer - a Pittsburgh native who talks right. Used in a sentence: I am not a yinzer. Yet.
Two that I actually already say, which is a bit re-assuring for an outsider, is Hunky-Doory and Greazy. I also call a shopping cart a 'buggy.' That would be 3 points for meeee! Maybe they are more well known phrases that Pittsburgh folks think are their own, but really arent. Who really knows, but at least I feel like I have one 'hill' (heel) in the door, so to speak. ;-)

The problem really isnt me speaking these terms... which I think I will feel a bit odd doing so... but if I am walking in the cold and my nose is runny and someone looks at me and says I have a  "sheeps leg" hanging from my nose, Id sure like to know they are telling me to wipe it!

While I am off to play and study with the translator, I will leave you with a translated quote from Ben Franklin: "A sputzee in da han is worth two in da bush."  Amen.

"Im one of dose reg-a-ler weird people" ~ Janis Joplin

Monday, April 16, 2012

Perfection vs. Reality

If you have ever been to south Florida, then you know that we are not the friendliest people. Technically, we are "the South," but "the South" really ends somewhere around the middle of the state. Anything below that may as well be known as a melting pot of New York, New Jersey, the Caribbean, South America, Central America, and the regular old Florida crackers. Again, we are not friendly, as much as I hate to say that.

Im not sure what causes this unfriendliness, though. Whether it is because we have such a mix of people with different ideals of living, driving, etc., or because the people that make up our area have never been taught manners. For example, when you are trying to pull out on to a street and cars are backed up, forget about Mr. Friendly letting you out. He will pull up and block you. Wait your turn... whenever that turn may come.

Driving down the interstate proves to be tedious, as well. You have cars that will drive 95mph in a 65mph zone, mixed with cars that will drive 55mph in the same zone. This can be a bit, well, deadly. No wonder our accident rates are so high. Perhaps in the Caribbean, no one sees the need to rush... but when you put them on the road with those from New York driving a distance of 20 miles from point A to point B in a New York minute... lookout!

I have had the opportunity to meet people from Pittsburgh. They are just, well, nice. And calm. Almost to a fault. No one seems to rush, no one seems to panic, no one seems so rude. It is like being in a different country with a whole new breed of people. A glorious breed!

Worry #5: My perception of the perfection of Pittsburgh folks could be faulty.

Sometimes I get visions in my head that allow my mind to start thinking in a certain manner, only to be crushed later. In fact, I dont just do this sometimes, I do it quite often. For instance, the likelihood of there being a rude person in Pittsburgh who is going to try to run me over on the road one day is probably fairly high. I just havent met that person yet, so the opinion I have formed is that he or she does not exist. I will probably be disappointed when I do. It will burst my little perfect Pittsburgh bubble. And then I will react the best way that a south Floridian knows how... attempt to show them that I can run them over just as well, if not better.

Yep... an outsider in Pittsburgh. On the loose.

Note to self: Keep a clear mind and just welcome the friendliness, rather than expect it.

In the meantime, I figured I would prove my statements a bit by saying that according to the US Census, Florida had 2,558 auto accidents while Pennsylvania had 1,256 in 2009. The attitude of the driver has to account for something!! Bring on the happy :-)

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The BEACH - a matter of opinion.

The beach. Its beautiful. There is something about the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves crashing, the feel of the sand under your feet. It is pure relaxation.

This leads me to worry # 4: 'The beach' in Pittsburgh something looks like this:

Although you cant tell in the picture, there is a little bit of sand up by the water, but there is just something odd to me about laying a towel down in grass to absorb the sun. Its not what I think of as natural. The water, well... its dark, kinda mucky, and I cant taste the salt as it hits my lips. In fact, when it did hit my lips, it kinda grossed me out a bit.

Further, the sand in the water at the beach is usually hard. When standing in the water in this 'beach,' it feels mushy and really creepy between your toes. And, my beach is ALWAYS open. In Pittsburgh, it is only open from Memorial Day to Labor Day. I mean, I guess it makes sense since you wont be going to the beach while wearing a winter coat and cuddle duds, but...

Im not knocking the beach-goers of Pittsburgh. For a lot of people, I am sure this is what they look forward to each year. I just have always lived by the real beach which is why it would make this look equivalent to a 3rd graders construction of an erupting volcano to someone who lives in Hawaii.

Since I like to think that my glass is half full, rather than half empty, here is my list of pros/cons.

The Pro's of a Pittsburgh beach:

1. I will lay my towel on grass. Therefore, I will not find sand in places on and in my body where sand just shouldnt be.
2. They have decently nice bathrooms at their beach. No more having to pee in the ocean.
3. No sharks.
4. It gets hot up there with no breeze off of the ocean, so any water will probably be a very welcome treat.
5. Again, no sharks.
6. My eyes wont burn from the salt water.
7. They net off pieces of the water to keep unwanted species of water creatures away. So, once again.. no sharks.
8. There are no waves - which means I can no longer 'jump' them - but it also means that the water wont be rough and the idea of rip currents, I suppose, will be non-existent.
9. When I am really missing the ocean, I can always put on my bathing suit and watch this cam.
10. One last time for good measure - NO SHARKS!

 The Con's of a Pittsburgh beach:

1. It is just not my ocean.

The funniest part is when I think about how many times a year that I actually do go to the beach..... Id have to say about 2. Maybe 3. So, in all reality, what am I really worried about? The fact that I may possibly, sorta, kinda, one day miss the beach? Yes. Just because I can.

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin

Friday, April 13, 2012

What goes up must come back down... Faster.

Worry # 2? Getting lost.

This is what I am leaving...

And this is where I am going...

For some reason, I dont think the pictures do it justice. My hometown is spread out.  Pittsburgh? Not so much. To me, its big. For one thing, Im used to roads that go straight. They go from East to West and North to South. Rarely is there a road that goes in a diagonal direction. It just doesnt make sense to. If you need to go NE, you drive a ways to the North and then you head East. Plain and simple.
Pittsburgh, on the other hand, scares me. They have numerous interstates (which I think they call Parkways, but in all reality, it is an interstate) that shoot off in all directions. And they all seem to do so at the same time. As we now know, I cant even think before I speak... can you imagine me trying to think which road I need as cars are flying past me while I am staring at 6 signs wanting to lead me in 6 directions?! Oy.

Moving on to worry #3: Going 90mph down a hill on ice... NOT on purpose.

Now... while Florida has straight roads, we also have flat roads. BUT...  Pittsburgh has some of the steepest hills (maybe they are mountains, I am not too sure how to refer to them yet) that I have ever encountered. Every time I see them all I can think about is trying to drive on them when they are covered in snow and ice. Then I quickly try not to think about it.

I know, I know, they have salt trucks that come along and they help dissolve the ice. And, yes, they have the trucks that come push the snow off to the side of the road. But despite the fact that I have no idea how they manage to cover all of the roads before people have to leave for work in the morning... there has to be some side streets and such that are still covered in ice. So, my thought is, when you go to drive up a hill in the winter when there is ice or snow, your car HAS to slide back down. Backwards. Or what if you are driving down a hill, wouldnt you just keep speeding up faster and faster and unable to slow down until you hit something nice and firm at the bottom? I think Galileo may know the answers and prove me right. At any rate, I shudder at this thought.

Note to self... buy a GPS and an old junk car for safe travels.

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin

Thursday, April 12, 2012

You are doing what?!

So, like it says in my description, I am making a move. From one home to another? Yes. In the same city? Nope. In fact, not even in the same state. Im going to be leaving the sunshine-y state of Florida and moving to the frigid state of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, to be exact.

Now, you may be wondering why anyone in their right mind would be moving to a place like Pittsburgh while giving up the beaches and the year-round green landscape with palm trees. You are just going to have to keep wondering because it is a bit personal to broadcast here. I will tell you that it is the right time and right decision for my heart. Hint, hint. 

I do have a list of worries in my pre-move state of mind. Biggest current worry?

1. Making new friends.

For one, Im leaving behind all of my friends in Florida to be with 1 person in Pittsburgh. So there comes the task of making new friends. Oh this will be a toughie for me. I am definitely shy and quite awkward at times when meeting new people, which means this is going to be a challenge. Have you ever been out on a first date that you are trying to impress and every single word that comes out of your mouth you secretly ask yourself... "What the... ?! Did I really just say that?!" Well... imagine doing that with almost everyone you meet. Then you will see how I feel. I dont do it all of the time, but enough for it to be a worry. And sometimes I just dont know why I dont think before I speak. It is simple logic, I suppose, but I seem to lack it.

Here is the scenario currently in my head:

Potential Friend #1: "So hey, you just moved here? What brings you to Pittsburgh?"

Me: "Uh, um, well, uh I like it here."

Potential Friend #1: "What was that? I couldnt hear you..."

Me: "Ahem.. I LIKE IT HERE" (Of course, Im now speaking in an audible tone but to me I feel like I am screaming!)

Potential Friend #1: "Oh, I would love to be in Florida. You just wait until winter comes and you will wish you were back there."

Me: "Uh, um, uh, well, um no, I actually like being cold"

Potential Friend #1: "What was that? I couldnt hear you..."

Me: (yelling, again..) "I SAID THAT I ACTUALLY LIKE BEING COLD."

Potential Friend #1: "Weirdo"

Me: ...thoughts of how I can add one more person on this earth to the list of those who have paid me such a great compliment... moving on...

I think that is probably how it is going to go. Dont get me wrong, I am friendly, I have a personality, and I care for people more than I probably should. Deep down, I really dont doubt that I will make friends. It will just take time. Plus, I will always keep my Florida friends. That way, when the first winter comes and I am going to hate it eventually, as I keep getting told, then I will have a place to visit... and with good company.

Its like the one thing I learned though years of girl scouts... ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ "make new friends, but keep the old... one is silver and the other's gold"  Not overly sure who is silver and who is gold or why they compared friends to medals when they are people, but it fits at the moment and the song is now in my head... ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin