Now, you may be wondering why anyone in their right mind would be moving to a place like Pittsburgh while giving up the beaches and the year-round green landscape with palm trees. You are just going to have to keep wondering because it is a bit personal to broadcast here. I will tell you that it is the right time and right decision for my heart. Hint, hint.
I do have a list of worries in my pre-move state of mind. Biggest current worry?
1. Making new friends.
For one, Im leaving behind all of my friends in Florida to be with 1 person in Pittsburgh. So there comes the task of making new friends. Oh this will be a toughie for me. I am definitely shy and quite awkward at times when meeting new people, which means this is going to be a challenge. Have you ever been out on a first date that you are trying to impress and every single word that comes out of your mouth you secretly ask yourself... "What the... ?! Did I really just say that?!" Well... imagine doing that with almost everyone you meet. Then you will see how I feel. I dont do it all of the time, but enough for it to be a worry. And sometimes I just dont know why I dont think before I speak. It is simple logic, I suppose, but I seem to lack it.
Here is the scenario currently in my head:
Potential Friend #1: "So hey, you just moved here? What brings you to Pittsburgh?"
Me: "Uh, um, well, uh I like it here."
Potential Friend #1: "What was that? I couldnt hear you..."
Me: "Ahem.. I LIKE IT HERE" (Of course, Im now speaking in an audible tone but to me I feel like I am screaming!)
Potential Friend #1: "Oh, I would love to be in Florida. You just wait until winter comes and you will wish you were back there."
Me: "Uh, um, uh, well, um no, I actually like being cold"
Potential Friend #1: "What was that? I couldnt hear you..."
Me: (yelling, again..) "I SAID THAT I ACTUALLY LIKE BEING COLD."
Potential Friend #1: "Weirdo"
Me: ...thoughts of how I can add one more person on this earth to the list of those who have paid me such a great compliment... moving on...
I think that is probably how it is going to go. Dont get me wrong, I am friendly, I have a personality, and I care for people more than I probably should. Deep down, I really dont doubt that I will make friends. It will just take time. Plus, I will always keep my Florida friends. That way, when the first winter comes and I am going to hate it eventually, as I keep getting told, then I will have a place to visit... and with good company.
Its like the one thing I learned though years of girl scouts... ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ "make new friends, but keep the old... one is silver and the other's gold" Not overly sure who is silver and who is gold or why they compared friends to medals when they are people, but it fits at the moment and the song is now in my head... ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin
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