Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Jittery Jit.. Jit..Jitters...

This is it. By the time this posts, I will have just about 4 more days as a Florida resident. Then, I will be on the long 18-hour trekk to Pittsburgh in a mini caravan of cars and a moving truck that contains every material possession I have accumulated. Scary? A bit.

I had no idea I would react the way that I am. All of the worries that I previously blogged about... I am about ready to face them head-on. It was not as big of a deal just writing about them as it is knowing that I am going to have to reach my hand out and greet them. And, of course, battle with them, fight them, throw them down and stomp on them. Im going to need alot of energy for that! Good thing I have kept my ninja skills out of the moving truck and in my back pocket.

I feel sad leaving friends and family.... I dont want to cry, but I know that I will. Im a barrel of emotions when it comes to things like that. A farewell party? I will have to warm up my vocals singing... "Its my party and I'll cry if I want to... " Maybe I can stick some tissue under my eyes and hold it on with a rubber band around my head.

The sad thing is I dont really know why I would be crying. Yes, I am leaving. Yes, I am going to miss people. But, it is not like I am not going to see them ever again. Heck, its not even like I see them all the time now! So what is the big deal?! Here is what I discovered....

My crying is a response of energy and emotions that have been built up over the last few months. I think my body doesnt know a better way to get it out. So, why not cry? Why, thank you... I think I will.

My competition... here. :-)

On the flip side, every daydream I have had for the last several months is becoming a reality. I am extremely excited. When I was younger, I feared change. But, as I have grown, I embrace it; welcome it. With that said... I look forward to:

1. Fighting with the Steelers.
2. Sliding down a hill on ice while driving someone else's car.
3. Carrying, but never having to use, my blow up raft to exit the city.
4. Learning a new language.
5. Making new friends.
6. Getting lost.
7. Getting lost.
8. Getting lost.
9. Learning how the use the GPS on my phone so I dont get lost.
10. Not having to fear lizards.
11. Seeing the change of seasons and raking leaves in the fall. (Then jumping in them as I have seen in movies. haha. Though, I am sure, as an adult, it wont feel as nice)
12. Making snow angels.
13. Discovering new places.
14. Learning to love the LAKE.
15. Hiking trails... that dont go on a flat sidewalk next to a stinky canal or swamp.

Well, that is about it. Im a ball of emotions - anxious, scared, excited, sad, dreamy - but I guess that is what new adventures are all about. It took forever for this day to arrive... next post? From my home in Pittsburgh, PA. Sees ya (Pittsburghese)

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Beware of Bow Ties

Memorial weekend at the airport has a bit more security than normal. Im not sure what you call the guys and gals who wear uniforms that resemble park rangers... but they were at every turn. As usual, I get through security and to my seat with no issue. Sit down, get my tasty, ice cold, pre-departure adult beverage from the nice business class flight attendant, pull out my ipod and my book and Im ready to head to PA for the weekend. Then, in walks a man so tall that he had to hover through the plane with his head bent down all while wearing suspenders and a bright red bow tie. Guess where he sat? Yep. Right next to me. Now, generally, I am not one of those overly friendly flying buddies who like to carry on conversations while I travel, but this man didnt seem to get that impression from me. From the moment he sat down with his rather large bag of fruity candy he was nothing but verbiage... and all thrown in my direction. He talked for much of the time about Pittsburgh and filled me in on a few secrets.

1. It is illegal to drive with snow on your car. Good to know, I suppose. I can understand not driving with snow on the windshield as that would be quite idiotic (or, in Pittsburghese... lunch head-ish) but getting the snow off of the entire car? Seems like a big task if you ask me.

2. It is perfectly normal for those residing in Pittsburgh to make the right lane of a roadway into street parking. This I have actually witnessed. It really is not uncommon to be driving down a road, with 2 lanes in either direction, and the right lane all of a sudden becomes parking. Its odd but apparently legal, according to Mr. Bow Tie.

3. Downtown Pittsburgh is surrounded by water. The only way to access the city is by bridge. This I do know to be true, as there are 3 rivers that surround it. However,  he proceeded to state the following: "Imagine if a terrorist blew up all of the bridges that led into the city. Everyone in the city would be stuck with no way out. It would be the perfect plot and is a very scary thought." Scary thought? Absolutely. Scary thought while flying mid-air next to the fool who has a brain that thinks in this manner? Even scarier.

It was at this point that I put in my headphones and turned to stare out the window for the next 2 hours. The funniest part of the whole trip was once we had landed in Pittsburgh, Mr. Bow Tie proceeded to pull out his United Airlines badge and place it on the front of his shirt. Yeah. I sure hope United has strict background checks for its employees, as well as a bit of  psychological testing, too.

Note to self: Carry an inflatable raft when entering the city.

On a lighter note... (and thankfully I am still alive to have one...)

I love fireworks. There is something magical about the whole adventure. The waiting and anticipating, staring up at the sky watching the beautiful colors, shapes, etc. Trying to guess... "oooh there are tons right now, I bet this is the finale... " and then, "nope, not yet." This is how it went while watching  PNC Park's fireworks after the Pirates game on Saturday night. They have fireworks on the river after games quite often. And, let me tell you, it is the biggest, best fireworks display I have ever witnessed. And, it is not even the 4th of July. Can you imagine? Rumor has it you cannot even get close to the city on Independence Day and I can see why. At any rate... here is the view we had from across the river:

We were directly in front of the fireworks barge. It was spectacular. And, well, the whole thing made me feel a bit warm and foozy, too. Combined, of course, with a slight bit of paranoia thanks to Mr. Bow Tie. You know, sitting on the inside of the city, next to the bridge, hearing loud booms... dont judge, it would have made you paranoid, too! I survived. And so did the bridges.

I will close with one last lesson about Pittsburgh....

Allegheny County is a dry county. It was HOT in Pittsburgh over the weekend and what can quench your thirst when your blood is boiling?! BEER! Where I am from in Florida, you can purchase a beer just about anywhere.... gas stations, drugstores, grocery stores, etc. Where can you buy beer in Pittsburgh? Only at a beer store. Or a bar. Hmm. And how does the beer store sell beer? By the case. Thank heavens I was thirsty. I went for one beer, I had to buy 24. This law seems a bit ridiculous and twisted. In their effort to keep me from drinking a beer, they got me to drink 24. Someone should bring this to their attention... Bottoms up!

"Im one of those regular weird people" ~ Janis Joplin